
Elder Scrolls Online Pay To Win

The Elderberry Scrolls Online

The Elder Scrolls Online

Is this another pay to win game

Huge fan of Skyrim and Oblivion here. I downloaded the game for the free weekend and information technology's installing correct now. My question is :

Is this another BDO "pay for convenience/progress faster" (pay to win af) game? I ended up wasting 200 hours on BDO becaues of the gainsay but the RNG/P2W was insane. I encounter that this (buy to play) game has a premium subscription-based membership that gives yous premium currency and xp boosts.

Can you get the xp scrolls for complimentary while playing? If yes , how frequent are they? Is the leveling fun? Too I've read that the crown shop isn't simply cosmetics only mounts/pets/potions and other things.

Cheers in advance

EDIT: I already gave this topic an reply and decided that I'thousand going to buy the game and pay the sub, it would be great if people would stop responding (especially in negative ways) :P

Last edited by Rage; one Sep, 2019 @ two:23am

Originally posted by Drake:

XP scrolls are not necessary. The scaling is completely unlike. That said, you lot get xp scolls on daily connectedness sometimes, you also get them every bit level up reward at fixed levels. You tin also buy xp potions from other players on order shop, or arts and crafts them when you lot have the skill and the recipe.
When you reach champion levels you also go a daily xp heave.

This is not a korean mmo model, leveling to level 50 is non an cease, that'due south where you're actually starting to play, then getting champion levels, once you're cp160 you're considered max level equipment wise fifty-fifty if there are 810 champion levels.
And the most importnat thing, gear, is not aquired from the crown store, you need to farm it.
Simply you need to sub or buy chapters and dlcs to go new regions (as with whatsoever mmo expansion). Plus the scaling makes it so that a low level char can impale a high level 1 (you tin fifty-fifty abuse the system to have a lv1 be more powerful than a lv l if you lot have the right gear and skills, and then the player is way more important).

Other of import thing, the champion levels are account wide. In one case you're max level, you're max level, with all your chars, fifty-fifty the once you'll create in the future, yous just need to level them to 50 to access the champion part (which is washed in less than a week, or less than a day if you know what you're doing).

Most crown shop, virtually of them are cosmetic. Mounts are all cosmetic, the mount stats are based all on your riding skills which you level upwards ingame (if you do it everyday you max your char riding skill in 180 days, you can besides go than in the crown shop but again, not necessary).

Subbing and using existent greenbacks can speed upwards some process, but you can get to the top without spending a dime (except on DLCs and expansions obviously).

Appointment Posted: 31 Aug, 2019 @ four:48am

Posts: 37

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